Gifts from faculty and staff provide funding for important initiatives campus-wide. Gifts from faculty and staff are also an endorsement of the University, announcing to alumni, friends, foundations, and corporations that University of West Georgia is an institution worthy of support and that support begins at "home.”

The active phase of the Faculty/Staff Campaign is from July 1 through October 15. However, giving is a year-round effort and gifts may be given at any time.

Regardless of the timing of your gift, your participation will be recognized in the active phase of the Faculty/Staff Campaign.

Yes! The Faculty/Staff Campaign is the perfect opportunity for you to make an annual gift and show your support to the 澳门新普京注册 Annual Fund (the area of greatest need) or to a campus initiative or academic department.

Yes. Each gift amount is kept confidential. The Development staff and Advancement Services staff handles your giving information confidentially and with care.

Yes. You will receive documentation from our Advancement Services team to keep for your records.

To make a one-time gift:

Information on personal giving history is available by contacting Whitney Benefield in Advancement Services at

Your gift will be automatically deducted from your pay each pay period beginning with the month you determine and continue perpetually** for either 10 months, 12 months or bi-weekly. You may change your gift amount or designation at any time by contacting Whitney Benefield in Advancement Services at

** All recurring payroll deduction gifts will be perpetual until such time as the employee requests the giving to end or there is a change in employment status with the university. If you wish to place an end date on your payroll deduction, please contact Advancement Services at (678) 839-4106 or

Payroll deduction options must be for longer than one pay period. If you prefer to make a one time payment, please pay by check, cash, or credit card. Do not select payroll deduction in this instance.

To designate a gift in honor of a living individual or in memory of a deceased individual, faculty and staff should include a note with their completed gift forms that list the following (as applicable):

  • The name of the individual being honored and his or her mailing address. A card will be sent to the let the individual know a gift was made in his or her honor.
  • The name of the individual being memorialized, and the name and mailing address of the family member who should be notified of the gift. Please also not the relationship of the family member to the deceased.

Yes. Your gift, regardless of designation qualifies you for membership in the Donor Recognition Giving Societies. The gifts are measured on a fiscal year, July 1 – June 30.

For more information about the Donor Giving Societies, including specific courtesies and benefits, please contact the Annual Giving office at (678) 839-2536.

Employees whose spouses work for companies that offer a matching gift program have an opportunity to double or even triple their gifts. The Corporate Matching Gift Program is a service provided by many companies that will match contributions from their employees to institutions of higher education.

The donor's spouse will need to contact the employee services department of his or her employer to obtain the appropriate matching gift form. The matching gift form should then be completed and sent to:

University of West Georgia Foundation
1601 Maple Street
Carrollton, GA 30118